The Broadband Communcations Research Group of UPC started working on research related to the Locator/ID Separation Protocol in February 2009. We will continuously update this page with our results, as they become available.



LISPmob Logo LISPmob is an open-source LISP Mobile Node implementation for Linux. With LISPmob, hosts can change their network attachment point without losing connectivity, while maintaining the same IP address. See the LISPmob white paper for more details.

Cisco Logo

Funding: Cisco Open Source Microgrants

How LISP can improve inter-domain multicast? (LCAST)

In the current Internet typically live video streaming services operate at the application layer (e.g, PPLive) and not at the network layer. The main reason for this is that multicast is not widely available in core-routers due to its high deployment and operational costs. The LCAST project aims to develop a new multicast protocol that takes advantage of LISP, and therefore avoids deployment in these core-routers.

Cisco Logo

Funding: Cisco Unsolicited Research Proposal


IETF Activities


LISPmon is a platform to monitor the LISP pilot network, currently under development at our research group. It makes all collected historical data freely available. See the project page for more details.

LISP Packet Dissector

Wireshark is a popular open source network packet analyzer that allows decoding of protocol data for a very large number of network protocols. We implemented decoding of LISP data and control packets for Wireshark, see our dedicated page for the source code and prebuilt packages.


CoreSim is an Internet-scale LISP deployment simulator with a hybrid event/trace based architecture and is able to replay a packet trace to simulate the behavior of an ITR and the associated mapping system. It builds its topology using Internet measurement data from the iPlane project and reports mapping lookup latency, the load imposed on each participating node, and ITR cache and packet buffer statistics. It was first presented to the academic community at the Trilogy Future Internet Summer School poster session (extended abstract, poster).

CoreSim is written in Perl, and receved the most testing with Perl 5.10 on Linux 2.6, x86_64. You can download the latest development snapshot here. A technical report describing it is available here, and one that describes how we validated it here.

Mapping System Comparison

Using CoreSim, we evaluated the LISP-TREE, LISP+ALT and LISP-DHT mapping system proposals for LISP. For the simulations we used two traces captured at the border routers of two university campuses: Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) in Belgium and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Spain. Due to privacy issues we cannot publish the full traces, be we still offer aggregated statistics for them with one second resolution. The files contain a space separated (<second>, <bytes>, <packets>, <IPs>) tuple on each line for UCL and UPC.

Lookup Latency

Lookup latency result files have the space separated (<timestamp>, <latency>, <direct_delay>, <hopcount>) tuple on each line, where <timestamp> is in seconds since the beginning of the trace, <latency> is the time in milliseconds for the Map-Request to be answered, <direct_delay> is the latency in milliseconds between the query originator and the destionation, and finally <hopcount> is the number of intermediary nodes that query must cross. The result files are:

Mapping Latency Generator

You can download the mapping latency generator from here (68MB).

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